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A member registered Mar 06, 2019

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Just click play again! and then again! and then again!


(1 edit)

I am using the Steam version. Thing is, I already played my first run before, but I deleted my file and went onto my second run, but I got off and it didn't save so I had to redo my 1st run. But now its not letting me do my 2nd run

Hey uh... Me again very sorry. But I have finished the game with the good ending and I'm now trying to get the 2nd Run started, though it isnt..... I delete the Darkness file and ive done this possibly hundreds of times. I dont understand what else I need to do to start the 2nd Run, could you help me? Again im sorry gotta bug you about playing your game, but it's just so nice I wanted to keep going!!

Im already on my 2nd run, and I wanna know what did you use to make your game? I do wanna do computer science and computer programming and this is the type of game I wanna do. Thank you for the beautiful game!!!

Do I just Restart my computer and my background will be normal?? Also again I thank you for this game... its opened me a area of games I never knew about. I love the game so far, though I'm having trouble on chapter 9.

How do you return to your old background????

Sir please tell me what will happen to my computer if I get the bad ending????

I need to know..